Ji Hye Seol

- TEL 82 2 6003 7081
- FAX 82 2 6003 7029
- E-MAIL jhseol@yoonyang.com
Ji Hye Seol is a partner at Yoon & Yang LLC, and her main practice areas include intellectual property, healthcare, entertainment, and corporate law.
In the fields of intellectual property rights, Ms. Seol mainly handles the cases regarding trademarks, copyrights and the Unfair Competition Prevention and Trade Secret Protection Act. In particular, she has a rich experience in the cases on protection and use of contents. Ms. Seol has handled various disputes on protection of trade secrets and successfully led the litigations on the prohibition of infringement on major global brands and the disputes regarding the nullification of pirate brands. In terms of the healthcare industry, she represents many international and domestic pharmaceutical companies and medical device manufacturers in obtaining government permit and approval and provides legal advice on various matters, including drug license, drug price strategy and handling of government authorities, etc. Recently, she deals with entertainment-related legal issues arising from diversification of transactions of domestic contents and introduction of new platforms, etc. as well as conventional legal issues such as copyright protection, etc.
In the fields of intellectual property rights, Ms. Seol mainly handles the cases regarding trademarks, copyrights and the Unfair Competition Prevention and Trade Secret Protection Act. In particular, she has a rich experience in the cases on protection and use of contents. Ms. Seol has handled various disputes on protection of trade secrets and successfully led the litigations on the prohibition of infringement on major global brands and the disputes regarding the nullification of pirate brands. In terms of the healthcare industry, she represents many international and domestic pharmaceutical companies and medical device manufacturers in obtaining government permit and approval and provides legal advice on various matters, including drug license, drug price strategy and handling of government authorities, etc. Recently, she deals with entertainment-related legal issues arising from diversification of transactions of domestic contents and introduction of new platforms, etc. as well as conventional legal issues such as copyright protection, etc.
- 2007-present Yoon & Yang LLC
- 2024-present Member, Copyright Protection Deliberation Committee, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
- 2024-present Vice President, Korea Entertainment Law Society
- 2023-present Member, Public Relations Advisory Committee, Korea Agency of HACCP Accreditation & Service
- 2022-present External Member, Faculty Disciplinary Committee, Osan University
- 2018-present Auditor, Korea Bureau for Epilepsy
- 2018-23 Director, Korea Entertainment Law Society
- 2018-22 Auditor, Research Investment for Global Health Technology Fund Foundation
- 2017-23 Member, Attorneys’ Rights Committee, Korean Bar Association
- 2018-20 Member, Utilization Expert Committee, Presidential Council on Intellectual Property
- 2014-15 WHO (World Health Organization) WPRO (Western Pacific Regional Office)
- 2014 SyCip, Salazar, Hernandez & Gatmaitan, Philippines
- 2023 Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service (Highest-level course completion)
- 2014 University of California, Davis, School of Law, LL.M.
- 2013 Seoul National University Graduate School of Law (LL.M. coursework completed)
- 2007 Judicial Research and Training Institute
- 2005 Korea University College of Law, LL.B.
Representative Matters
[Intellectual Property]
- Represented the Korea Music Copyright Association and handled the case involving the Korea Fair Trade Commission (KFTC)’s determination on abuse of market dominant position in the copyright sector
- Represented the Korea Music Copyright Association in the litigation seeking revocation of disposition imposing penalty surcharge as to collection of usage fees other than that approved by the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism
- Advised the Korea Music Copyright Association related to Music Cow’s business model
- Represented Samsung SDS and handled the filing of criminal complaint and responding to an investigative agency’s procedure related to stealing program copyright
- Represented a music publishing company in the litigation seeking provisional injunction against non-authorized performances
- Represented Kumho Petrochemical in a trademark dispute with Kumho Industrial
- Handled the case seeking preliminary injunction against infringement of copyrights of soundtracks for a KBS television series
- Represented Decathlon (French company) in the case seeking crackdown on similar designs, invalidation of design registration and preliminary injunction against design use
- Handled the case seeking affirmation of nullification of trademark registration and preliminary injunction against use of emblem/infringement of copyrights in relation to the BeetleMap trademark
- Represented a client in the criminal case on unauthorized remake of songs
- Represented the Korea Music Copyright Association in the litigation raised by the music arrangers association to seek distribution of royalties
- Represented a copyright holder in a criminal accusation against web hard companies on charges of aiding and abetting of breach of the Copyright Act
- Represented Wilson Learning (Japanese company) in a trademark and copyright dispute against a previous licensee in Korea
- Represented Ferragamo (Italian company) in litigation against several domestic companies to seek preliminary injunctions against trademark infringement
- Represented KEFICO in the case seeking prohibition on trademark infringement against an infringing entity in China
- Represented Kolon Environmental Service in the litigation regarding prohibition of transfer by an employee of Cheil Industries
- Handled the litigation raised by LG Chem to seek prohibition of transfer by an employee of SK Energy
- Represented ATG Ceylon (Sri Lanka company) in submission of application to the Korean Trade Commission in relation to prohibition of infringement of trade secrets and handled related civil litigation and criminal prosecution
- Represented the Korea Music Copyright Association and four trustees in constitutional appeal and adjudication on constitutionality of Article 29(2) of the Copyright Act
- Represented Stomp Music in the case to seek preliminary injunction against infringement of copyright of a compilation album by Yiruma
- Represented Danawa in criminal accusation against violation of the Copyright Act in relation to internet websites
- Advised Interplex Quantum on strategies to deal with unauthorized use of patents and handled relevant civil and criminal litigations
- Represented Ronnefeldt (German company) in the litigation regarding domain
- Advised BDCIP on execution of an agreement for investment with copyrights as securities
- Represented Kolon Pharma in the litigation seeking suspension of enforcement and revocation of the disposition to suspend sales due to rebate
- Represented the Korean Medical Gas Association in the litigation seeking suspension of enforcement and revocation of the disposition to reduce drug price
- Advised CGbio on a license out agreement
- Advised Korea Otsuka Pharm on handling of the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety in relation to individually approved ingredients of functional foods
- Represented Boehringer Ingelheim Korea in trials before a regional labor relations commission and the National Labor Relations Commission in relation to dismissal of an officer for violation of compliance
- Represented Seegene in trials before a regional labor relations commission and the National Labor Relations Commission in relation to disciplinary actions against workplace harassment
- Advised on the establishment of a medical corporation for purpose of establishment of an overseas medical institution
- Advised Boehringer Ingelheim (Animal Health) on various pharmaceutical law issues
- Advised a major pharmaceutical company on the survey on reverse payment conducted by the Intellectual Property Supervision Division of the Korea Fair Trade Commission
- Advised Hanmi Pharma on the preparation & review of standard contracts, patent infringement and permission of preferential distribution, etc.
- Advised Yuhan on strategies for doing business in overseas markets and pharmaceutical law issues related to brand/product and handled matters involving the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety
- Advised foreign medical device manufacturers, including ERBE, Eumatron and Orbusnich, on import permissions and management of distributors, etc.
- Advised BATK on quasi-drug issues in relation to electronic cigarettes
- Advised Elizabeth Arden on the Cosmetics Act issues
- Advised Takeda Pharmaceutical Company on interpretation of legislations on calculation of prices of orphan drugs
- Handled amendment of internal SOP of Sanofi Aventis in response to the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act
- Advised SK Broadband related to various content service agreements
- Advised on the Korea Fair Trade Commission (KFTC) investigation of extortion of technologies between vendors of Hyundai Motor Company
- Advised CJ ENM on due diligence in relation to equity investment in a new business
- Advised Hybe on the KFTC investigation of sales of artist merchandise and equity investment in a new business
- Advised Lotte Global Logistics on logistics, customs clearance and labor issues
- Advised on the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act and compliance
- Advised Lubo/Zeda on management rights disputes and handled over 60 cases of preliminary injunctions and non-contentious cases
- Handled the litigation seeking letter of credit payment in international transactions involving the Industrial Bank of Korea and Hwaseung Networks
- Best Partner, Korea Music Copyright Association (2024)
- Thursday Columns, Law Times (2019)
- Guidebook for Importation of Medical Device into Korea, Healthcare Practice Group of Yoon & Yang LLC (Co-author, 2017)
- Imported food safety management in South Korea - Practical Law Multi-jurisdictional Guide (Co-author, 2016)
- Regulation of personal information in new fields - Asian-Mena Counsel : IP TMT Special report (Co-author, 2016.1.)
- “Advice on Entertainment Business Diversification and ‘Pan Gwon’, the common term in practice,” Law & Technology, Vol. 8, No. 4 (2012)
- “Legal Counterplan to the Stealing of Digital Contents,” Law & Technology, Vol. 5, No. 5 (2009)
Admitted to bar, Korea (2007)
Korean and English